Cheerscrolling, How To Add Positivity To Your Day
Reading Time: 5 minutesYou’ve heard of doomscrolling, but have you heard of cheerscrolling? Read this article to find out why you should cheerscroll more often
Reading Time: 5 minutesYou’ve heard of doomscrolling, but have you heard of cheerscrolling? Read this article to find out why you should cheerscroll more often
Reading Time: 14 minutesCurating data couldn’t be easier when using the highly customisable Bearable app. If you’d like to find out why, then check out this review
Reading Time: 10 minutesA three-part health data review of the Fitbit Charge 4, Beurer BM58 blood pressure monitor, and the Braun ExactFit 3 blood pressure monitor
Reading Time: 7 minutesOrthorexia is an eating disorder that does a brilliant job of hiding in plain sight and often co-occurs with other eating disorders
Reading Time: 22 minutesAn amazing interview with Skye and Matt from Sumo Cyco where we talked about band life and their music as well as about mental health and self-care
Reading Time: 5 minutesDichotomous thinking is a thinking error we’re all prone to, but for those of us with BPD, this type of thinking error can be very dangerous
Reading Time: 11 minutesWant an easy way to add some yoga exercises into your day? Then check out this yoga app review of Yoga for Weight Loss-Yoga Daily Workout
Reading Time: 8 minutesMusic has a wonderful ability to tap into our souls and affect the way we feel on a fundamental level, so how can it help with mental health?
Reading Time: 5 minutesSmiling depression might be one of the world’s most dangerous forms of depression, with people hiding behind a smile instead of getting help
Reading Time: 7 minutesHow the dark history of LGBTIQ+ discrimination is still with us today and what effects that can have on the mental wellbeing of those who identify as LGBTIQ+