I endeavour to spread support for several causes and I’ll share links to petitions that are compatible with the purpose of this blog, hopefully gaining them further support. Just click the links of the petitions to be taken to it so you can find out more about the petition, and sign it if you’d like to support that cause.
Keep checking back to offer your support as I try to keep this petition page as up-to-date as possible. Also, visit the blog’s contact page if you want to share petition ideas or links to petitions you think my blog would be interested in supporting.
My Facebook and Twitter pages will also share links to petitions as well as other useful information, so check out our accounts there too. Also, feel free to share this page and the petitions. Every signature helps.
Ask the government to provide mental health support in all schools
Provide the option of exam papers in Dyslexic-friendly format
Make Fibromyalgia A Disability
Raise Invisible Disability Awareness
Increase access to dyslexia assessment and targeted support in schools
Don’t Leave Disabled People Behind
Eating Disorders are not just about weight #dumpthescales
Create a law to protect models from being pressured to lose weight!
Petition to get Mental Health Education on the curriculum
Help stop our children’s mental health crisis
Add Mental Health Education to the mandatory teaching curriculum for all schools in the UK
Bridge The Gap Between Physical And Mental Health At GP Appointments #AndHowAreYou?
Make it compulsory to have a mental health first aider at work #wheresyourheadat
No Longer Active
#RecogniseBodyImage for the first time in UK law
Review guidance and funding for using SSP (phonics) to teach reading
Include ‘Mental Health Support’ in University League Tables
Put mental health at the heart of what children learn in school
Always #HelpToGetHome
Wise Up: Tell Ofsted to prioritise wellbeing in schools
Join our fight for a new era for young people’s mental health
Review and reform Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
More funding to ensure the safety of patients in the mental health system
Fund more support for mental health
Free Prescriptions for Diagnosed Mental Health Conditions
Improve mental health services for young people (children and adolescents)
Create legislation requiring employers to have Mental Health First Aiders
We need the Government to look #BeyondTomorrow and support young people’s mental health
Diagnosed mental health patients should receive free prescriptions
Increase funding to Children’s Mental Health Services
Children’s social workers to be mental health awareness trained and SEN trained
Add Mental Health Education to the mandatory teaching curriculum for all schools in Wales
Act for mental health today
Guaranteed help at A&E to prevent avoidable deaths from suicide
Fund mental health recovery scheme interventions for traumatised under 16s
Investigate Atos PIP assessments
Tell the Government to #ActEarly on young people’s mental health