A photo of a White woman standing in front of a waterfall holding a sign that says "I'm here you not" to represent the topic of the article - Why You Need To Stop Making Comparisons Right Now

Why You Need To Stop Making Comparisons Right Now

Although this is a common problem, and something I’ve done a lot myself, I wasn’t inspired to write about making comparisons until I saw this image on Facebook. So you can thank Casey for me writing this article. If I hadn’t had seen this screenshot of her tweet on Facebook, I may never have written this.


Tweet about Comparisons



In the age of the internet and city living, social media has filled a similar role to traditional social activities. They provided ample opportunities to compare yourself with others on many characteristics, such as appearance, popularity, and success (Feinstein et al., 2013).


Thus, with the invention of social media, it has become easier for us to compare ourselves to not only celebrates but also people we know or who we are like us. This meant we could easily compare ourselves to the idealised life of our old school friends and the like on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


Making comparisons seems to be a common scenario when trying to help people or how people talk themselves out of reaching out for support. The amount of people I’ve talked to who are clearly in need of support dismissing it because someone somewhere has it worse. Or that they’d be wasting someone’s time if they reached out for support because someone worse off could have used that time. I come across this so often that I pretty much have a response memorised.


It has nothing to do with how your problems relate to other people's or how bad your issues might be, but how badly these things affect you and your quality of life as an individual Share on X


The Problem With Making Comparisons


Keeping up with the Joneses is a saying for a reason. Whereby people would compare themselves with their neighbours as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods.


A study by Zhang, Howell, and Howell (2016) investigated the effects of being around wealth in the context of keeping up with the Joneses. The results were that young and poor individuals who live around wealth are the most vulnerable to engaging in social comparisons with idealised and wealthy people. This can cause young people to use their limited resources to gain possessions to convey wealth. On the other end of the scale, people who are older, wealthier, and live in relatively less wealthy areas compare themselves to those below them. But this downward look is to feel good about their situation instead.


So, whereas younger people around wealth are more likely to spend impulsively on appearing wealthy, older people compare themselves to the less wealthy, which doesn’t lead to materialistic purchases. Not only can comparisons change our behaviours and cause us to spend more, but it can also cause us to become depressed.


The same can be true when seeing people at parties or on holiday when you see someone’s Instagram photos. The typical response to making comparisons in this context (that has even become a marketing angle) is the fear of missing out (FOMO). This can make you think like you’re being excluded or missing out on something, even if it’s not something you particularly care about.


A study by Feinstein et al. (2013) sought to investigate the effects of making comparisons on being stuck thinking about the same thought (rumination) and depressive symptoms. Using Facebook, they examined the tendency to ruminate and become depressed with a sample of 268 college participants. They used questions like “When I compare myself to others on Facebook, I feel. . .”. The study found that negatively comparing yourself to others can place individuals at risk for rumination and depressive symptoms.




Now imagine doing this when you’re struggling and considering asking for help. How likely are you to reach out for help if you compare yourselves to others who you see as having it worse? How often have you stopped yourself from seeking support because you’ve convinced yourself you’re not that bad because other people have it worse? That’s how effective making comparisons can be at stopping us in our tracks.


Bergagna and Tartaglia’s (2018) study found that individuals with low self-esteem are more interested in making comparisons than those with high self-esteem. This makes it a problem for people who have mental health issues because they’re more likely to have low self-esteem. Thus, you’re more likely to engage in comparisons.


According to a study by Bessenoff (2006), making comparisons with the thin ideal in advertisements can lead to increased body dissatisfaction, negative mood, symptoms of depression, and lowered self-esteem. Essentially, a whole industry has been bombarding us with an unrealistic beauty (that often uses filters and edits), which can be harmful to our mental wellbeing.


Feelings of annoyance and jealousy when other people accomplish stuff can also arise when making comparisons, which can make you bitter and angry. Having these emotions can create a downward spiral in your thinking as you have thoughts like, “Why doesn’t anything good happen to me?” The reality is, good things do happen to you. You’ve just fallen into a thinking error that ignores the good to focus on the bad.


Comparing ourselves to others means we’re losing control of our own behaviours and choices, as the comparisons make the choices for us. It’s also exhausting to your mental wellbeing to keep comparing yourself to others because it’s only going to make you feel bad.


You can’t win at the comparison game. There are over seven billion people in the world, so there’s a never-ending list of people you can compare yourself to. As the saying goes, there is only one you, so be the best version of you you can be.




How To Stop Making Comparisons


Name your inner critic

This was something that was suggested to me during supervision as a way I help someone else to get over their guilt, which worked well. According to Healthline, you name your inner critic to give it less power and treat it as if another person was saying nasty things to you rather than yourself. This helps you to recognise when the inner critic is speaking, allowing you to start a conversation with the intrusive thoughts.


A modifier to this is to pretend that the inner critic you’ve named is saying nasty things to someone you care about, instead of yourself. Then ask yourself, what would you do or say if someone was saying those nasty things to someone you care about, and then apply that to yourself. This modified version can often be more successful because we’re more likely to stand up for the people we care about.



Start tracking the things that can cause you to make comparisons with other people. Then take that list of triggers and think about how you can better manage them or avoid them.


Create an envy list

Make a list of the people you frequently keep comparing yourself to. Then, write how it negatively affects you to compare yourself to them and why it’s a waste of your time to make these comparisons (Psychology Today).


Be your own best friend 

When I was a people-pleaser, I’d go above and beyond for my friends. I don’t go that far anymore, that was unhealthy. But the point I’m trying to make is that you should treat yourself as you would any of your close friends because that’s how you deserve to be treated by yourself and others. Embrace kindness towards yourself.



If you’re comparing yourself to others, then you’re likely forgetting your own achievements. So, remember to focus on your own achievements. Keep a record and celebrate all your achievements. Why not try making an achievements collage, like I suggested in one of my previous articles? You can find that article by clicking here if you’re interested in finding out more.



Instead of using comparisons to compare your worst qualities to someone else’s best, list your unique talents, skills, strengths, and qualities. You can do this as a journal task so you can have a record of everything. This will make it easier to reflect on them when needed.


Everyone has something they’re good at or something they can be proud of. For me, my desire to help people has always trumped my need for money, which is why I worked as a volunteer for so long. This is a quality I’m proud of.



Forget about comparing yourself to others and instead focus on doing things that will make you happy. You could pick up a new hobby or reconnect with an old one. You can also do nice little things for yourself, such as watching a movie, having a long bubble bath, or reading a book.


To help keep your self-care routine interesting, you can also make a self-care jar. That’ll allow you to pick your self-care routine at random, keeping it fresh. For more information on making a self-care jar, click here.


The picture is split in two with the top image being of a White pregnant woman cradling their belly while a White man compares his big belly to hers. The bottom image being of a White man applying make-up. The two images are separated by the article title - Why You Need To Stop Making Comparisons Right Now


Forget perfection

Remember that perfection is a myth. What you see on TV ads on social media is cherry-picked insight into someone’s life. Photos and videos of celebrities, and people on Snapchat, are often overly edited and have had filters used. Our imperfections make us special and are what people are attracted to.


Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with seeking to improve yourself, as long as it’s for the right reasons. For example, pursuing knowledge should be a lifetime commitment.


Practice gratitude

One problem with making comparisons is that it can warp your thinking, causing a thinking error. Instead of comparing yourself to others, and making yourself sad in the process, focus on the things you’re grateful for.


Gratitude is a great positive psychology intervention, so why not track the things you’re grateful for in a journal or use an app on your phone? Then you can keep adding new things to be grateful for, which you’ll be able to refer to when you need to.


Highlight reel

Remember, all too often in life, we see people with their masks on, especially on social media. So stop comparing your worse self to their fake greatness. Social media doesn’t reflect reality and most people do a good job of wearing a mask to hide their problems in public.


Compete with yourself

Compete with the old version of yourself by comparing yourself to yourself, rather than the highlight reel of others. Because that road leads to self-improvement rather than making you feel bad about yourself. After all, you don’t know if the other people you’re comparing yourselves with are actually happy or just appear that way. Perceived wealth and success don’t always mean people are happy with their lives. You don’t know what’s going on behind their mask.


Celebrate others

When we’re comparing ourselves with others, we can often get lost in that act and forget to celebrate the successes of the people we know and care about. To help break your habit of comparing yourself to others, start celebrating the achievements of others instead and spread the joy.



Comparing yourself to others is a mistake for a lot of reasons. What makes you happy and what makes the person you’re comparing yourself to happy could be different. Thus, work out what makes you happy and focus on achieving that.


It’s not a competition

Keep reminding yourself that life isn’t a competition, as that can rob you of your happiness. You’re not going to win anything by competing with someone you’ve compared yourself to. Find your own way to be happy and pursue that.


Flipping the script

Instead of using comparisons to make you feel unhappy about yourself or to make you feel better about yourself for being better off than someone else, how about comparing yourself to someone you admire instead? That way you can work towards having the traits you admire in that person as a way of motivating you towards positive change (Psychology Today).






In short, unless you’re comparing yourself to someone you admire to make yourself a better person, comparisons are bad for you. Making comparisons for any other reason than that is not only harmful to your self-esteem but can stop you from seeking support when you need it. Use the methods in this article to help you kick the comparison habit. You can start by figuring out what makes you happy.


As always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also, please share your experiences with making comparisons in the comments section below as well. Don’t forget, if you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner.


Lastly, if you’d like to support my blog, you can make a donation of any size below. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





Bergagna, E., & Tartaglia, S. (2018). Self-esteem, social comparison, and Facebook use. Europe’s journal of psychology14(4), 831. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6266525 and https://ejop.psychopen.eu/index.php/ejop/article/view/1592.

Bessenoff, G. R. (2006). Can the media affect us? Social comparison, self-discrepancy, and the thin ideal. Psychology of women quarterly30(3), 239-251. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1471-6402.2006.00292.x, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6402.2006.00292.x, and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gayle-Bessenoff/publication/227757415_Can_the_Media_Affect_Us_Social_Comparison_Self-Discrepancy_and_the_Thin_Ideal/links/5e9623e192851c2f52a05623/Can-the-Media-Affect-Us-Social-Comparison-Self-Discrepancy-and-the-Thin-Ideal.pdf.

Feinstein, B. A., Hershenberg, R., Bhatia, V., Latack, J. A., Meuwly, N., & Davila, J. (2013). Negative social comparison on Facebook and depressive symptoms: Rumination as a mechanism. Psychology of Popular Media Culture2(3), 161. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1037/a0033111 and https://asset-pdf.scinapse.io/prod/2104359868/2104359868.pdf.

Zhang, J. W., Howell, R. T., & Howell, C. J. (2016). Living in wealthy neighborhoods increases material desires and maladaptive consumption. Journal of Consumer Culture16(1), 297-316. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1469540514521085 and https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

52 thoughts on “Why You Need To Stop Making Comparisons Right Now

  1. For me getting older helps; I find I care less about others’ lives.
    I admit I still feel slightly jealous of what I perceive as other bloggers’ successes!

    • Oof! Yes, when my wife and I separated, I consistently found myself playing the comparison game on Facebook, and found myself resenting my coupled friends when seeing how happy and content they were… but then I remind mysely that social media can be an illusion, that others share the parts of their lives that they want us to see. Largely the positive stuff. After all, who airs their “dirty laundry” so publicly? Not in my circle anyways. I’m glad I let go of that!

  2. Amazing article, it’s very thought-provoking! I noticed that social media( especially Instagram) can take a halt on my mental health- as I compare myself to people of the internet and it’s a very toxic behaviour and I’m trying to learn how to cope with it. Thank you so much for sharing this. – Penny | http://www.whatdidshetype.com

  3. Very relatable post! I find Facebook especially toxic. It hits my triggers so I avoid going on there. I like your suggestions to quell the comparison monster. Thanks for the links, too.

  4. Great points, when we compare ourselves we lose focus on a lot of things. I went through this before and struggled a lot. But not, I stopped and I rather focus on myself than waste my energy comparing to others. These are on point and important that we focus on them. Thank you for sharing <3

  5. This post is such a tour de force. Comparing ourselves even to our closest friends only threatens our mental health and emotional well-being. We just recently admitted to ourselves that we suffered tremendously when we compared ourselves to others. This is an impactful post. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Excellent article! It’s so easy to fall into this trap especially with social media. I think especially when things go wrong in your life that’s when it happens. You don’t get the job you want, you go through a breakup, you have family issues and wish you could just have a normal family dynamic. But I’ve never done anything in the conventional way, so I always have to remember that. Sure, there are things I would have done differently in my life but now that I’m in my 40s and I’m super happy with myself.

  7. Great article. I always seem to compare myself to others. Especially since I was in VR. They made me feel bad. I feel a drop in my self-esteem.

  8. This is so true! I found coming off Facebook and Instagram helped – it’s quite liberating actually! Meditation also helped me overcome this too. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Comparison is deep in human nature. These tips are good, but I think a lot of it is easier said than done. This needs changing from the time kids are born, when doctors and moms compare how much baby has grown or what learned. And continues from that – “look how good this kid is behaving, why won’t you?”; “I wish you could sing as good as he/her”; “All the other kids help their parents – why won’t you?” … So it will be hard to change, specially that inner comparison

    • Yeah, that’s very true. Some parents and teachers will install the art of comparisons into children at a very young age and throughout their child. Avoiding that as a parent and a teacher could make a huge difference to their development

  10. We completely agree. It can be hard sometimes, especially with social media. When it comes to good things happening to others, if I feel jealous, I just ask myself would I trade lives with them? The answer is always no.

  11. I used to always compare myself to others, especially if other people did it to me too (“Why are you tired, when so and so did XYZ and is probably way more tired”). But someone else’s tired doesn’t make my tired magically disappear. I’m still tired regardless if another person is more or less tired than I am.
    Great article you’ve written!

  12. Making comparison is one of the keys to unhappiness. And life is not that long to be unhappy. After all, everyone’s journey is unique. There’s no need to compare.

  13. This is such valuable information and so damn accurate. I think comparison in this form (or any kind, tbh) can really stifle someone’s ability to find support if all their met with is opinions that someone has it worse or it isn’t that bad. Thanks for putting all this together!

  14. I love your point on how making comparisons is a signal that we are losing control of our behaviors!
    Making an envy list really appeals to me; I am curious to see if the same types of things show up on the list and if it will help me move away from negative comparisons. 🙂

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