A white child enthusiastically blowing out candles on a cake while wearing a birthday hat to represent the topic of the article - Blogiversary: Three Years Blogging And Going Strong

Blogiversary: Three Years Blogging And Going Strong

Unwanted Life has managed to make it to its third year of existence, so I thought I’d mark this blogiversary with another roundup article like I did for my first and second years as a blogger. I hope you enjoy the roundup.


Unwanted Life started on 7th January 2019, with its first article – Date Night: The Difficulties Of Meeting My Partner – going live on 14th January 2019. Thus, the third blogiversary of Unwanted Life going live and publishing its first article is officially this Friday. Happy blogiversary to Unwanted Life.



Blogiversary: What Have I Done During This Last Year?


Well, as I made it through the end of the first year of the pandemic and now most of the way through the second year, fun times, I’ve not done that much. I’ve largely spent my time at home. However, I used some of that time at home to launch two sponsorship advertising packages on my blog. You can find more information about these sponsorship packages by clicking here.


Before I launched the sponsorship advertising packages, I first added a ‘Sponsors‘ page to showcase the people who’ve been kind enough to sponsor my blog already. I did that so I could showcase those donors to Unwanted Life by creating a wall of fame to give something back to these wonderful people.


I also opened my Unwanted Life Shop at the start of September 2021, which currently sells digital workbooks you can download. Both my shop and the sponsorship packages I’d put off for over seven months because of the issues I have with imposter syndrome. But I eventually overcame that long enough to start these two endeavours to help support my blog.


A black and white picture of a series of shops with the logo of Unwanted Life above one of the store fronts to present the shop for Unwanted Life


Blogiversary: My Five Favourite Articles


That’s enough about what I’ve been doing over the last year while trapped at home. Here’s a collection of my five favourite articles from the last year instead. Let me know in the comments sections below which of my articles you think were your favourite from the last year.


A photo of the band Sumo Cyco to represent the topic of the article - An Exciting Chat With Sumo Cyco About Mental Health And Life In A Band


I discovered Sumo Cyco during the pandemic, and I’ve been a huge fan of their work ever since. Not only was it amazing that Sumo Cyco agreed to an interview with little old me, but it was something I’d never done before. I even had to learn a new way to write to write up the interview, which was also a lot of fun. It also meant I could add a new skill to my writing portfolio, so to speak (I don’t have a writing portfolio). You can check out this article by clicking here.


The interview provided such a large amount of great content that I also used some of the interview material to create a second article on trolls for my Unwanted Life Stories section, which you can read by clicking here. You can also see the interview and the different cuts by checking out my YouTube channel by clicking here.


A photo of four people from different ethnic groups with T-shirts that spell out TEAM to represent the topic of the article - Cheerscrolling, How To Add Positivity To Your Day


Creating this article for #Cheerscrolling was a lot of fun because I got to define its meaning in Urban Dictionary, my little piece in the history of language. Which is no easy feat when you’re dyslexic. I also tried to get a #Cheerscrolling movement going, and although few took it up, I still like to use it when I see cheerful news. Anyway, you can check out that article by clicking here.


A photo three confident women of black and brown heritage walking together to represent the topic of the article


My article on the self-esteem workbook makes it into my top five because it launched my Unwanted Life Shop. The self-esteem workbook was the first workbook I made that I would sell, rather than one of the free ones I have included on my resources page.


It might not seem like much, but it actually took me a long time to create the workbook, and even longer to get past my self-doubts to follow through with creating my shop and making that the first product available to buy there. My issues with the imposter syndrome really undermine my life. Check out the self-esteem article by clicking here.


A photo of a woman with pick hair, holding a mirror in her hands that is covered in medication as you see her face reflected in the mirror to represent the topic of the article - Taking Antidepressants Isn't A Big Deal, Here's Why


This isn’t my first article talking about pill shaming, but I think it’s the better one of the two. It’s also not the first time I’ve talked about antidepressants. In this article, I take a lot of the myths and stupid things people say about taking antidepressants and explain why they’re stupid comments, outdated, and need to disappear. The reason I wrote this article was because I was giving antidepressants another try myself. And long ago, I also held such stupid views when I was a teen. To read this article, click here.


A photo of a white woman in glasses sitting in front of a computer that displays the message "Designers should always keep their users in mind" to represent the topic of the article - Accessibility: How To make Your Website And Blog More Accessible


I love this article simply because I wanted to make my blog more accessible to as many people as possible. As an invisible disabilities blogger, this was really important to me. I had decided to look into ways to make my blog more accessible and I realised this could make for a good article too. So I turned my desire for Unwanted Life to be more accessible into an article to convince other website owners and bloggers to do the same.


The picture is split in two with the top image being of a dog laying on a bed wearing a birthday hat. The bottom image being of a white woman blowing confetti out of a book. The two images are separated by the article title - Blogiversary: Three Years Blogging And Going Strong


Published Work


Over the course of the year, I’ve written a guest post for the blog Mentriz by Lou Farrell. It even inspired an article idea for myself which I’m currently working on. I also did several interviews. The first one I had the pleasure of doing was by Cosmic Taryn for their interview series and blog, which you can find here.


Weird & Liberated interviewed me for their blog for their blogtober challenge, which you can find here. Not only that, but my gratitude letter was featured in one of their posts too, which you can find here. I did a further, smaller interview, for It’s A Jeanette Thing to feature in their six-month blog-versary, which you can find here. After that, I did an interview for The Daily Sunlight, which you can find here.


Last, but not least, I contributed a self-care tip to FemmAllure which you can find here. By my count, for this blogiversary year, I’ve provided content for six other bloggers, which is pretty cool.




Unwanted Life Shop


As I’ve already mentioned a few times, my blog launched its own shop which currently sells digital downloadable workbooks. But I hope to find the time to expand the shop to include physical items as well. It took a while, but I made my first sale at my shop, which was really nice.


I looked into setting up an Etsy shore as well, but I ran into a bit of a setback when I first tried to open it. I ran into an issue with sorting out digital download items, which their support team was useless at helping. The Etsy support team member I was talking to said they’d get their team to email me a solution, but that never happened, and it’s been six months now. The issue was that when I uploaded my product and wanted to preview it before saving and listing the item; it encountered an error forcing me to keep starting again.


While writing this article, I decided to sort out my Etsy store and list my first product there, just to see if it’d help increase sales of my workbooks or not. Hopefully, it’ll help increase my chances of getting my second sale. You can check out my shop by clicking the button below and visit my Etsy store by clicking here.


Or maybe I should try Gumroad instead or as well as Etsy? Do any of you have any experience with using Gumroad or Etsy? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts about them in the comments section below.


Unwanted Life Shop button that takes you to the self-esteem workbook listing for the Unwanted Life Shop


As always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also, feel free to share your experiences of blogging, birthdays, your blogiversary, and reaching milestones in the comments section below as well. If you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner.


Lastly, if you’d like to support my blog, then you can make a donation of any size below. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.



75 thoughts on “Blogiversary: Three Years Blogging And Going Strong

  1. Congratulations on 3 years! That’s amazing. You are one of the first blogs I read and discovered when I joined the blogging community. I enjoy reading your blog post. I personally have learned so much from your blog.

  2. Wow, congratulations ?

    I appreciate the time and attention to detail you show in your blog.

    I think most people can identify with your articles; particularly the one on Imposter Syndrome and low self-esteem.

    I can’t wait to read your future content. Keep up the excellent work! ?

  3. Congratulations and happy blogiversary. Here’s to many more years of great blogging.

    You’re killing it!

  4. I do not have experience with either Gumroad or Etsy so I cannot make a recommendation of one over the other. Try both and figure out which one works better, then get rid of the one that is not working so you can stay focused on what does work.

    Happy blogiversary! I have never done one of these style posts, but I love this brief history of your year!

  5. Congratulations on your three year ‘blogiversary,’ it will be three years for me also in a month or so I believe. I’m going to look up your pill shaming article as I haven’t come across this term before!

  6. Congratulations on such great success. You are a wonderful writer and I appreciate that you are expanding your brand. As I mentioned before, I can see you writing articles in lifestyle magazines and businesses. Continue striving past the feeling of the imposter syndrome. I look forward to another seeing a successful year of wonderful content and more. ?

    Pastor Natalie

  7. Happy Blogiversary! So many bloggers don’t make it to the three year mark, so you should definitely celebrate the fact that you’ve had another successful year here. It’s exciting to see you moving forward and growing in such positive ways.

  8. Happy 3 years! I absolutely love your blog, it’s always so interesting and I learn a lot. Thank you so much for sharing such amazing posts with us. Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  9. First, happy birthday and congrats on three years blogging! Second, as someone who can’t stop doom scrolling (even actively aware of how bad it is while I am actually doing it) I looove the idea of cheerscrolling! Keep up the most excellent work!

  10. Wow, 3 years!! Congratulations on this milestone. I can appreciate the amount of work and progress made along the years, I know it’s not easy. Looking forward to following your blogging journey!

  11. Congrats on your blogging success so far, three years is an achievement. I remember your Cheerscrolling post as one of my favourites. And you recent accessible post was really insightful too.
    I have an Etsy shop too. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I used to have a second shop for digital downloads but found running the two difficult and my other one does better now. The thing about Etsy is that they expect consistency when uploading new items, and the more listings you have the more chance you have of being seen. Etsy SEO and research is really important too. I don’t have any experience with Gumroad but I’m sure it would be no harm to list on there too!

  12. Congratulations on 3 whole years – that’s a huge achievement. I’ve followed you and your blog for over a year now and have loved watching you grow and become more confident with your content!

  13. Happy Blogiversary! Wow three years, that’s awesome. Well done for making your first Etsy sale. I used to have a successful Etsy shop selling digital downloads, but Etsy weren’t the best at getting back to me either if I ever needed to. I was lucky as I didn’t really run into any big problems. Also, I tried to add the disability app on my blog and I don’t think it’s working, so I’ll have to give it another crack 🙂

    • I haven’t made a sale on Etsy yet, my sale came from the stop here on my blog. Sorry to hear the plugin hasn’t work, I hope you’re able to resolve the issue

  14. I just love this post! Seeing all your accomplishments is such an inspiration! Happy Blogiversary and congrats on all your successes! Wishing many more years of Success!

  15. Congratulations on your third bloggerversary! My favourite article of yours definitely has to be about making your blog more accessible. Here’s to many more years! 🙂

  16. WOW! Congrats on all your wonderful achievements and for celebrating 3 years with your blog! It sounds like you’ve put a lot of work into not only developing your blog, but working through your own battles with imposter syndrome to get some passion projects to come to life! Best wishes for your next 3 years of blogging as well.

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