A photo of four people from different ethnic groups with T-shirts that spell out TEAM to represent the topic of the article - Cheerscrolling, How To Add Positivity To Your Day

Cheerscrolling, How To Add Positivity To Your Day

You may not have heard of cheerscrolling, yet, but you’ll benefit from trying to apply it to how you consume content on your phone. It’s time to ditch the depressive doomscrolling we’re all addicted to and start taking up cheerscrolling. Here’s why.



What Is Cheerscrolling?


I think I’m the first person to define cheerscrolling because I wasn’t able to find any definition when I googled it. Although I’m not the first person to use it. I submitted the word for definition on Urban Dictionary, but who knows if they’ll accept it. Anyway, here’s a quick definition of cheerscrolling:


Cheerscrolling is the flip side to doomscrolling, whereby you seek positive and uplifting content to consume by filtering your news for positive content to scroll through.


For example, you could cheerscroll through IdeaSpies which seeks to showcase only positive and inspiring news or you could check out Positive News. You could also only follow and look at body-positive accounts on Instagram. If you’re a blogger like me, then you might also want to know how you can promote your positively framed work on the IdeaSpies platform. If so, then click here to find out more.




Why Is Cheerscrolling Important?


If you remember my previous article on how music can affect your mood, then you’ll understand why cheerscrolling is important. News, like music, can influence our emotions (Berger and Milkman, 2010). Depressing news will make us feel down, stuff about hate crimes will often make us angry, and positive news will make us feel good. It’s that simple.


The Benefits Of Positive News


It goes without saying that news outlets push negative content over positive news stories. Even headlines of most articles that float through our social media newsfeeds are largely designed to lean towards the negative. The so-called clickbait headlines are everywhere, and to compete with huge established corporations, we bloggers also have to play that game. Which sucks, it stifles creativity. I’ve had to ditch really great and creative titles for bland ones that’ll get me better views and rank better in search engine searches.


Before we talk about the benefits of positive news, let’s first quickly define a basic idea of what makes a positive news story. For that, we turn to McIntyre (2016) who defined positive news stories as a story whereby the majority of readers would feel satisfied/pleased the event happened or happened as it did. Well, that’s a basic positive news story from a traditional news outlet, at least. But a positive news story doesn’t just have to be about an event, it could also include a positive information story such as a story about new progress in green technology, for example. You get the idea.


In amongst that sea of negative news, there stand a few news outlets that seek only positive news, a true diamond in the rough. There’s the Good News Network, The Daily Good, Positive News, and community/volunteer-driven IdeaSpies. It really doesn’t take much effort to find positive content with a simple Google search, so it begs the question, why aren’t we all switching to positive news sources?


To investigate three different types of news stories, McIntyre and Gibson (2016) used a fictitious news site and 307 US participants, getting them to take part in a survey. The three different news stories being studied were positive, negative, or silver lining (a negative story with a fortunate outcome). The study found that readers who consumed positive news stories reported a higher level of enjoyment than reading news stories of the other two types.


However, you’d probably be less likely to say you enjoyed reading a negative story, but the fact positive stories also outperform a silver lining story is telling. The study also shows that if you want people to enjoy a negative story, find a positive outcome to finish with. I guess that’s why underdog stories are so popular because we want that happy ending against impossible odds.




The survey study by McIntyre and Gibson (2016) is supported by a report conducted by Berger and Milkman (2010). Their report challenged the conventional belief that negative news is king, proving that it wasn’t. In their report, they state that positive news is actually more viral, toppling the old king.


We all know sharing content is a big part of our lives. I know the stuff I pay attention to most in my Facebook newsfeed are links to articles rather than personal posts about whatever that person’s been doing. Everything comes with handy share buttons nowadays, but failing that, we can always copy and paste a link if we need to go old school. But with a quick click, I can share the news article I read on my Facebook newsfeed.


Interestingly, when it comes to personal news, we’re more likely to share the positive news we have with others than our negative news, which Gable and Reis (2010) termed ‘capitalisation’. That’s why social media feeds can present unrealistic, perfect lives of the people we follow. The reality is always a lot different. People love sharing their positive news because in doing so, the happiness of their friends about the good news increases their own feelings of happiness about it.


Events in our lives, no matter how big or small, can affect our wellbeing. Therefore, ditching, or at least reducing, your exposure to negative news for positive news, will hopefully foster positive feelings of wellbeing.


The picture is split in two with the top image being of a crowed of people cheering people on and the bottom image being of a photo of a cheerleading squad. The two images are separated by the article title - Cheerscrolling, How To Add Positivity To Your Day


Cheerscrolling Challenge


I’m setting you all a challenge, but don’t worry, it’s easy to take part in. Let’s fill Twitter with cheerful tweets for a change by tweeting all joyous news under the hashtag cheerscrolling: #Cheerscrolling. Start sharing your happy news tweets now and for the next seven days, I’ll try to retweet every #Cheerscrolling tweet I come across.


As a bonus to this challenge, why don’t you also retweet the #Cheerscrolling tweets that make you happy, and spread the love. If you’d like to keep track of the cheerscrolling on Twitter, you can do so by clicking here.


As always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also, feel free to share your experiences of positive news and if you’ll be joining in on cheerscrolling in the comments section below as well. Don’t forget to bookmark my site and if you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner.


Lastly, if you’d like to support my blog, you can make a donation of any size below. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





Berger, J., & Milkman, K. (2010). Social transmission, emotion, and the virality of online content. Wharton research paper106, 1-52. Retrieved from https://www.msi.org/working-papers/social-transmission-emotion-and-the-virality-of-online-content.

McIntyre, K. (2016). What makes “good” news newsworthy?. Communication Research Reports33(3), 223-230. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/08824096.2016.1186619 and https://karenmcintyre.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/good_news_2016.pdf.

McIntyre, K. E., & Gibson, R. (2016). Positive news makes readers feel good: A “Silver-Lining” approach to negative news can attract audiences. Southern Communication Journal81(5), 304-315. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/1041794X.2016.1171892.

Gable, S. L., & Reis, H. T. (2010). Good news! Capitalizing on positive events in an interpersonal context. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 42, pp. 195-257). Academic Press. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/S0065-2601(10)42004-3 and https://labs.psych.ucsb.edu/gable/shelly/sites/labs.psych.ucsb.edu.gable.shelly/files/pubs/gable_reis_2010.pdf.

66 thoughts on “Cheerscrolling, How To Add Positivity To Your Day

  1. I love this post, and cheerscrolling is so important in these times of scary news stories and negative social media. I’ve never heard the term before, but I definitely try to avoid negative social media accounts. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love how you included the reference articles. You can clearly see I come from an academic environment. I agree with the concept. There’s been too much doomscrolling and it really isn’t healthy.

  3. Love the term. Never heard of cheerscrolling. I guess i have been cheer scrolling for years. I don’t watch TV news any more.

    I filter through the internet to selectively choose what to read and watch. News stations strive on negativity and its not good for your mental health to consume negativity everyday.
    Who knew that there was a Good News Network? Another Great post.

  4. I love everything about this. I follow one dog rescue transport on Facebook for exactly this reason – they do a major US transport every Friday and when they do, they take a picture of every new pet parent collecting their rescue pet to bring them home. The positivity and joy never fails to brighten my day and bring a smile to my face regardless of what that week may have involved.

  5. I love the name you chose for it! Cheerscrolling is fantastic as name. This is what I always try to do. The most positive something seems that it will be the most possible would be for me to read it. I also try to write cheerful posts even though they don’t look like they are cheerful if you only read their title. I always find a positive aspect of everything I write for. After all there is nothing just black or white.
    Thank you for this post! it was part of my today’s cheerscrolling 🙂

  6. I hope the name “cheerscrolling” catches on! It’s instantly clear what it means and it acts to remind you that there’s an alternative to doomscrolling. An antidote, in a way!

    I need more cheerscrolling in my life. I do seek out positive news and content, but I also fall prey to feeling like I need to find out “what terrible things are happening now?” whenever I use my phone or computer. Thanks for the reminder to change my content diet!

  7. I try to do this with blog and IG accounts that I follow… Find positive people who share about their lives. And while some days can be bad, I know I have those days as well, in the end, to turn it around to something positive in the end always makes me feel better. Knowing I can do that as well during my bad days.
    Good post and great name for it! I hope it gets accepted!

  8. I love that you submitted this awesome word to the Urban Dictionary! I often come across news articles and posts that make me smile and laugh, so trying to see more of what makes me happy daily sounds like an amazing way to read more about the people who make the world a beautiful place!
    Thanks for sharing. <3

  9. I really appreciate this post. You are so right… let’s look more at “cheerscrolling” and be encouraged by good news and accounts that bring encouragement and joy. That is definitely what I do. I would recommend this IG account “Good News Movement” https://instagram.com/goodnews_movement?utm_medium=copy_link
    Thank you for sharing this post. ?

    Pastor Natalie

  10. I totally agree with the whole cheerscrolling thing. I while back, I unfollowed any social media accounts that were spreading negativity and that didn’t bring me joy, so for me when I need a pick me up or I’m bored I love to go online. I’ll have to start using the #cheerscrolling. I hope they accept your word for the dictionary. Great post! 🙂

  11. Cheerscrolling is a beautiful term. I like it! I think most of us are doing this now. I like to visit and follow websites or any socmed accounts with positive vibes. They make me happy and believe in good things. Thank you for sharing. Good post!

  12. Cheerscrolling is much needed and I’m going to have to put it into practice as it’s all too easy to do the opposite and reach for my phone in the morning and doomscroll. Thanks for the suggestion of the Twiiter challenge, I shall give it a go!

  13. I’ve never heard of the term ‘cheerscrolling’ but I love the sound of it. I can get really annoying seeing so many negative posts, especially in these times. I appreciate all the links you added as well. Great post! xx
    TheQuietGirl |www.quietgirlblog.com

  14. I have never heard about ”Cheerscrolling” and I am very surprised that some positive news sites exist! That’s something new for me, but it’s an awesome idea! Really thank you for this information and a twitter challenge! 🙂

  15. I’ve never heard of cheerscrolling until now – it’s definitely made me stop and think about how much doom and gloom there is in my newsfeed. Definitely going to change that around!

  16. What a great idea! This helps rewire your brain for positivity! Thanks for the links to find positivity.

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