A photo of someone's garden patio set-up to celebrate someone's anniversary, to represent the topic of the article - The Fifth Bloggerversary For The Amazing Unwanted Life Blog

The Fifth Bloggerversary For The Amazing Unwanted Life Blog

I started Unwanted Life on the 7th January 2019, with the first article going live on the 14th January 2019. But neither of those dates falls on a Wednesday. Therefore, my bloggerversary is being celebrated between the middle of those two dates. So here we are on the 10th January, celebrating five years of blogging as Unwanted Life.


Disclosure: This article contains links to my Unwanted Life Shop. Read my full disclosure here.



If you’d like to read my other bloggerversary roundup articles in honour of commemorating my other blogging birthdays, then you can do so by clicking these links:


First birthday

Second birthday

Third birthday

Fourth birthday


What Have I Been Doing Over The Last Year?


When it comes to blogging, I’ve created a lot of new workbooks and worksheets this year, which I created to help my clients with their recovery journeys. I’ve released a couple of those workbooks and worksheets on my blog shop, and I plan to roll out the rest of 2024.


Outside of blogging, I’ve been doing a lot of DIY, picking up a new dizziness vertigo disorder (lucky me), and doing my first panel discussion regarding the psychosis art project I was involved in over the last few years. I was surprised that my anxiety and issues with psychosis didn’t flare up when doing the panel discussion, as I don’t like public speaking, especially in front of a crowd that large.




Bloggerversary: My Five Favourite Articles


15 Suggestions On How To Maintain Your Sanity While Doing DIY

A photo of a couple's legs covered in paint as they engage in painting and decorating to represent the topic of the article - 15 Suggestions On How To Maintain Your Sanity While Doing DIY


Most of 2023 has been defined by the sheer amount of DIY I’ve had to do. It’s been a real challenge getting all the DIY done, let alone the impact it had on my body. It seems only fitting that my guide on how to reduce the mental wellbeing impact of doing DIY would make my top five articles this year.


How A Simple Question Can Actually Be A Trigger

A pick background with a small piece of paper with the words "are you ok?" typed on it to represent the topic of the article - How A Simple Well-Meaning Question Can Actually Be A Trigger

This article made my top five because of my personal connection with this trigger. This one well-meaning question turned my world upside down. It led to my first true psychotic break and mental breakdown. My life hasn’t been the same since. After hearing how a client of mine can also find this well-meaning question triggering, I thought it might make for a good article, as it meant it wasn’t just me.


The Art Of Reframing And Its Benefits To Our Wellbeing

A photo of a White person holding a glass ball that flips the image upside down, granting a different perspective to represent the topic if the article - The Art Of Reframing And Its Benefits To Our Wellbeing


Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) loves to use reframing, which is a thought challenge. It’s a thought challenge that often under-pins other thought-challenging techniques as well. As such, this has made my top five list because it’s something I use all the time, and it’s a skill we could all benefit from using.


CBT-E: The Surprising Benefits Of Maintaining An Eating Schedule

A photo of a woman with Down's syndrome eating a snack outside to represent the topic of the article - CBT-E: The Surprising Benefits Of Maintaining An Eating Schedule


This article made my top five because the information it contains was inspired by my own CBT-E (CBT for eating disorders) experience, after 20+ years of trying to get support for my eating disorder. My CBT-E experience also led to me being a better therapist, as I’ve been able to use what I learned when supporting my clients. The fact that I made a meal planner and scheduler also proved useful for my clients. You can also buy that planner from my Unwanted Life shop by clicking here.


Creating A Safe Space So People Can Open Up

A photo of a Black guy and another guy sitting down talking to represent the topic of the article - Creating A Safe Space So People Can Open Up


Last, but not least for my bloggerversary top five, my article on being a safe space for others. This made my top five because of how important it is for our collective wellbeing. I’ve had clients that, if they had a safe space to open up within their social support network, then they wouldn’t have needed therapy.


Then there’s also the issue of the high rate of suicide among men, which can be linked to a lack of safe space to open up. If you want to make one change for 2024, then learning how to be a safe space for others would be a great thing to do.


Commemorating My Bloggerversary Awards Over The Last Year


Over the last year, I made it into the top 10 UK bloggers this year, as decided by Vuelio. Last year I was in 10th place, but this year I’ve managed to make it to 6th. So that’s nice. I’ll certainly add this to my achievements collage if I update it this year.




Published Work


This year I took the time to write my personal story of how I got into metal music for Heavy Metal Therapy. This included talking about my traumatic childhood, my mental health struggles, and my love for all things metal and the alt music community. If you’d like to check out that article, you can find it here.


As always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also, please share your experiences celebrating your bloggerversary or any milestone in the comments section below as well. Don’t forget, if you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, click the red bell icon in the bottom right corner to get push notifications for new articles.


Lastly, if you’d like to support my blog, then there are PayPal and Ko-fi donation payment options below. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





25 thoughts on “The Fifth Bloggerversary For The Amazing Unwanted Life Blog

  1. Your journey and your work has inspired so many people who are struggling professionally and personally. Congratulations on your achievements, my friend. 👍

  2. Congratulations on 5 years blogging. And well done on the Vuelio top 10 spot. I dream of ever being included (maybe if they did a dance blogs I might make it with my dance blog – although still probably too small!)

  3. I really liked your article in Heavy Metal Therapy. Marilyn Manason and Cradle of Filth’s music helped through my mental health problems as teenager too. Congrats on your anniversary and best of with your new projects and treatment!

  4. Congratulations on 5 years! That is huge! I love how you did your recap and what’s happening this year. Wishing you many more Bloggeversaries and much success!

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