Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I want to say a big thank you to Tsvetty from the Mental Health Memo (@mental_h_memo) for my first-ever nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award.


Tsvetty is a social worker and psychology student who struggles with depression and anxiety. Tsvetty, much like me, wants to help others with mental health through their blog, so go check it out at Mental Health Memo.


Rules For The Sunshine Blogger Award


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and share a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions you were given by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award.
  • Write 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo and list the rules in your post.




Questions From The Mental Health Memo


  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given and how has it impacted your life?

    I honestly can’t remember any advice that I may have been given.

  2. Is there a lesson you’ve learned the hard way that you want to warn other people about?

    Only be willing to do what you’re comfortable doing for a friend. Just because you’re willing to bend over backwards to help a friend, doesn’t mean they’ll ever return the favour.

  3. What’s something you’re super proud about from this year?

    Starting my blog.

  4. Is there a song you like to listen to when you need a pick-me-up?

    I have quite a few. It all depends on which mood I’m in at the time I need a pick-me-up. My song choices often change as my go-to song to pick me up as well. Currently, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Downtown is my go-to song.

  5. You can only use one social media for the rest of your life, which one’s it gonna be and why?

    For my personal use, I’d pick Facebook. It’s the one I use most to keep up-to-date on current events, science, etc.

  6. What was your favourite concert ever? (If you haven’t gone to one before, what artist/band would you want to go see)

    Fear Factory is my first non-festival gig. It was amazing. The mosh pit was extreme, and I was so exhausted I had to leave the pit briefly to get a drink to recover before making my way back to exactly where I was before I left. Fell in love with moshing because of that gig.

  7. Do you have a favourite scent? (Can be a perfume or just a smell in general)

    I can’t say I’ve ever really thought about it. Caramel is a really nice smell, I guess.

  8. How would you spend your money if you won the lottery?

    If I won £10 on the lottery, I’d most likely buy a takeaway. If I won the big jackpot, I’d most likely buy myself a drink first, then buy a house, and then hire a team to help me create a business plan so I could run my own business.

  9. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

    Tough one. I guess finishing a post you’re really proud of is a good feeling. The external validation of people liking and commenting on your work is also a good feeling. But I guess the thought that you might have helped someone is my favourite thing about blogging.

  10. What has been the hardest thing for you about blogging?

    Figuring out the best way to reach people to read your blog and the amount of time and energy that can consume.

  11. What is your goal for this year?

    Getting a placement so I can get the client hours I need to finish my master’s degree.




Questions For My Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees


  1. What is a hidden talent you have?
  2. What talent or skill would you like to learn?
  3. What is your pet peeve?
  4. If you were mayor for the day, what three things would you change about your city?
  5. What is one thing you miss about being a kid?
  6. What is your funniest story?
  7. Who do you admire the most?
  8. If you could start a charity, what would it be for?
  9. What was the scariest movie you’ve seen?
  10. What motivates you?
  11. What culture would you like to learn more about?


Sunshine Blogger Award


My Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees


Although the rules say you should pick 11 nominees for the Sunshine Blogger Award, I’ve recently had to pick people for four different rewards in the spare of a few weeks (The Liebster AwardThe Mystery Blogger Award, and Blogger Recognition Award). Thus, I’ve decided to only pick ten this time.


Little Tinkablee (@Tinkableeblog)

Real Bad Mommy (@RealBadMommy)

Safe Haven; Chronicles of a Creative Mess (@SH_creativemess)

Just Call Me Jess (@Just_Jess_18)

Nyxie’s Nook (@nyxiesnook)

Life Lived Candidly (@LCandidly)

Bailarinas Rosas (@bailarinasrosas)

Chu Chu Family Fun (@chuchufamilyfun)

6in10.blogspot (@WestphalErin)

Pine Canvas (@pinecanvasblog)


As always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also, feel free to talk about the awards, like the Sunshine Blogger Award, you’ve won or been nominated for in the comments section below as well. If you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner.


Lastly, if you’d like to support my blog, then you can make a donation of any size below as well. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





6 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations on your nomination. You do very good work on your blog and it’s been a pleasure reading your thoughts. Best of luck on the road ahead

  2. Congratulations! Loved reading your answers and learning a little bit more about you. It is the simple things in life that make the big moments worth while, but it is also definitely worth it to dream big! <3

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