A photo of a collection of presents on a table to represent - Christmas: The Ultimate Mental Health Gift Guide

Christmas: The Ultimate Mental Health Gift Guide

With Christmas fast approaching, you might be struggling for gift ideas for your loved ones. Thus, I present to you my ultimate mental health Christmas gift guide, containing gift ideas to help improve your mental health and wellbeing.


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I’ve never done a gift guide before, but due to the current coronavirus situation we find ourselves in, Christmas was going to be very different this year. Therefore, I thought gift ideas around supporting someone’s mental health and wellness would be a nicely timed idea. I hope you think it is as well.



Gift Ideas


Aromatherapy Dough

Aromatherapy dough is something new that I recently came across. It’s a combination of aromatherapy and Play-Doh. You can squeeze it, smell it, and mould it into shapes as a way to de-stress. This would make a great gift for someone who likes aromatherapy and/or likes to fiddle with something.


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Scented Candles

Another aroma-based gift idea is the scented candle. I personally love a caramel-scented candle, because caramel is my favourite taste and smell. I can’t get enough when it comes to caramel. What’s your favourite scent?


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Wax Melts

Third on the list, which happens to be another fragranced gift item, is wax melts. What are wax melts I hear you ask? Well, in short, they’re like candles but without the wick. They’re small scented pieces of wax that you gently heat, allowing for an evenly distributed fragrance.


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Wax Melt Burner

To go with the wax melts you’ll also need a wax melt burner, so here’s a selection to check out so you can find something to match your own style.


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Tea Lights

The last thing you’ll need to go with the wax melts and the wax melts burner is some tea lights, which are normally really cheap and you can buy them in bulk. So to save you time, here are some links for you.


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Keeping a journal is great for practising self-care, you can either do it using a traditional journal or as I said in my article, ‘Journaling: What Makes It The Self-Care Go To?‘, you can do it digitally using an app. But if you like to keep journalling low-tech, then check out this selection of journals as a great gift idea.


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Sunrise Simulation Alarm Clock

During the cold winter months, it can be difficult to wake up in the morning while it’s still dark, especially if you have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Thus, ditch the bog-standard alarm clock and wake up with a simulated sunrise so you wake up in a more natural and calming way.


This is a gift I’d really like to get myself. I struggle with waking up when it’s dark out. I have the opposite problem in the summer, where I normally wake up when the sun comes up and thus get up really early.


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Bath Bombs

Another staple of the self-care world, relaxing in a bath to let your worries wash away with hot water. And what better way to do that than with a bath bomb?


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Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are meant to be good for people who suffer from anxiety, although the science is out on whether they’re effective or not. These blankets are meant to simulate the feeling of being held tightly like you’re being hugged. If that seems like something that might make you feel relaxed, then check out my links.


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Huggable Heat Pads

Speaking of hugging, why not try out a heatable huggable plushie? If it’s cold outside, you can heat it up to keep you warm, but if it’s hot outside, you can freeze it to keep you cool. Either way, you’ll always have the plushie to cuddle up to, to help you keep at a comfortable temperature.


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Homemade Gift Ideas


Although Christmas is the traditional time to buy everyone gifts, remember, it’s not worth putting yourself into debt over. Money’s tight due to the coronavirus, so there really is no need to make that hardship worse just because it’s Christmas. Why not make something for your loved ones instead? There are a lot of homemade gift ideas you can find with a quick Google. Even homemade cookies make for a great gift if you like baking: I love a good cookie.


A woman of Indian decent in a Christmas jumper holding a present to represent - Christmas: The Ultimate Mental Health Gift Guide


But if you’re looking for an idea for what you could craft as a Christmas gift, then you could try my DIY self-care jar, which you can find here. This crafting idea might not be for everyone, but it’ll certainly get your creative juices flowing.


Well, that’s it for my Christmas gift guide, but feel free to check out my other two Christmas posts by clicking here and here.


As always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also, feel free to share your mental health gift ideas in the comments section below as well. If you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner.


Lastly, if you’d like to support my blog, then you can make a donation of any size below as well. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.



92 thoughts on “Christmas: The Ultimate Mental Health Gift Guide

  1. These are brilliant suggestions. And in fact prompted me to get my wax burner on while I am at home self isolating with my son.

    I love journals and often buy them for friends. In fact my gift for secret Santa is a journal x

  2. These are fantastic ideas! I love the huggable microwave heat packs, I have a few myself, and they are so convenient. I’m currently working on some handmade Christmas gifts, and I think I’ll pair them with some items on this list to create a little hamper. Thank you for sharing! ?

  3. A mental health gift guide is such a good idea. I agree with all the sensory suggestions and I’m very intrigued by the aromatherapy dough. I’ve heard good things about weighted blankets too and you can’t go wrong with a lovely journal of any description >)

  4. I really appreciate how you offered a variety of gifts considering different price points, time/energy, and personal tastes. I never knew about aromatherapy dough, this looks fantastic for someone who likes to fiddle with an object. Thanks for all the great suggestions

  5. I never knew you could buy a weighted blanket! I have anxiety and this may be good for me, I’ll take a look ?

  6. Some great options. I love scented candles, wax melts and diffusers but a lot of the other items I was not aware of. I just hope I can get them easily in my country 🙂
    Great article!

    • It’s been so long since I’ve been able to enjoy a bath, that’s the problem with shared accommodation, you choose to shower because you don’t want to have to wash the bathtub before and after using it if you have a bath

  7. Like everyone else, I liked all the items and ideas. The aromatherapy dough seems like fun. Thanks; for sharing such great gifts, tips, and easy to do things ourselves this Christmas.???

  8. I have never heard of aromatherapy dough before. That would make a great gift for someone with anxiety. Thanks for the suggestions.

  9. I purchased a fun Nightmare Before Christmas wax warmer last year, which matches our living room décor perfectly. I am a big fan of aromatherapy and using different scents to help deal with my mental health struggles and any influxes of stress that life will throw my way. For that reason, getting ready for the holidays always involves shopping for new wax melts lol

  10. Lovely ideas! I might buy some of these for myself, too, since I struggle with mental health issues. Wax melts are new to me, I might give those a try, as well as dough. Thankfully I already have a gratitude journal and a regular journal to help myself.

  11. I always find your blog posts super interesting! I think these ideas are great – I love scented candles and bath bombs! It’s really nice being able to find good presents for those who struggle with Mental Health problems.

  12. I love so many of the ideas on this list! I have never heard of aromatherapy dough, but it sounds as soothing as a weighted blanket and as helpful as a pretty journal. Even small things, like tea candles, can bring a smile to someone’s face. 🙂

  13. What an awesome list! I recently challenged myself to do 30 days of self-care and really it’s shocked me how much I’ve neglected my mental and physical health to get all my responsibilities done. Think we all could use a little break to breathe and regain clarity.

  14. Lovely gift ideas! I am a sucker for a nice scented candle. I have a maple and walnut one burning right now and a cotton one waiting. I like those fancy herbal tea selections. My anxious pal can’t handle caffeine so a nice chamomile tea is like sending a big virtual hug ?

  15. This is a really good gift guide post! I love how you have themed the gifts around mental heath and I will definitely be getting some of these gifts for people this Christmas! Thank you for sharing this.

  16. I love your creativiness. One of the gifts I’ll be giving this year, thanks to YOU, is the self-care Mason jar you wrote about not that long ago. Also the journal idea is on my list as well for my niece who is battling depression right now due to coronavirus. Thanks for these great ideas.

    • Sorry to hear about your niece, but hopefully writing about it in a journal will help reduce some of the depression, especially if it’s combined with some regular self-care

  17. Amazing list of gift ideas, funny enough many of them are on my wish list so I must need some extra mental health support! I’ve never heard of the dough – I’m going to look for that for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  18. There are some really lovely ideas here and it seems like you really put a lot of thought into this list 🙂 thank you so much for sharing, I think everyone could do with a bit of self-care at Christmas after the year we’ve all had.

  19. I love this guide! I didn’t know at all about a sunrise simulator alarm clock. That sounds so freakin awesome because I am one of those that have been having trouble waking up. I also love the idea of wax melts as a gift. I gave that and a wax burner to my sister a few years ago and EBay & Etsy all have vendors that sell a bunch of unique scents. So I just bought some from a few and threw them together and she loved it!

    Grislean | gemlesschosen.com

  20. These are some great gift ideas- good for giving yourself as well! Everyone needs to treat themselves and look after their own wellbeing as well! 🙂

  21. I wish my friends will read this blog post and take one of these ideas. November was a really hard month for me… and a blanket and lavandel scented candle would be the best combo!

  22. These are really great suggestions! Aromatherapy and a weighted blanket can really help with anxiety.

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