A background of brown leaves with the title of the article across the middle of the image - Introducing September 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

Introducing September 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

Hello, and welcome to September 2022s Unwanted Life sponsors article. Finally, the weather is becoming something I can cope with and Halloween will soon be here. Not to mention, it’ll be my birthday next month too.



September 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors


Andrea Hunt – Living Deliberately

Andrea Hunt - Living Deliberately image they created for the July 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors article


If you’re like many people, 2022 might not exactly feel like it’s got off the ground for you yet. The last few years have been really hard on everyone and many people feel stuck in a constant cycle of stress, uncertainty, stagnancy and lack of fulfilment.


Perfectionism: The Pitfalls of Unhealthy Performance Expectations

Doing things perfectly as a goal and collective mindset may drive individuals and organisations to some measure of success. While not inherently a harmful trait, unchecked perfectionism can actually sabotage our well-being and overall life progression, not to mention our happiness.


Click here to find out more.


Why Using EFT Tapping Helps You Manage Your Stress And Anxiety More Effectively

Now more than ever, addressing our anxieties and stress and dealing with them healthily has become very important. While there are various methods and techniques that you can employ to address persistent anxiety and stress, EFT Tapping, or the Emotional Freedom Technique, has proven to be highly effective.


To find out more about how EFT Tapping can help, click here.


How to Travel Alone After a Breakup: 5 Tips to Plan Your Trip Better

So you just got out of a relationship. You aren’t sure how to put your emotions in order again and how to cope with the pain and confusion. For those of us who really love travel, it can be the key to healing and moving forward.


To read these travel tips, click here.


This Brilliant Day

The blogger 'This Brilliant Day' logo

UK blogger Sophie started This Brilliant Day in 2018 as a way to share her ideas and experiences with the world. She writes about physical and mental health, sustainable living, personal development, productivity and more. She chose the name This Brilliant Day to reflect the idea of living in the present moment and aiming to make each day as good as it can be!


How To Get Into A Productive Mood When You’re Not Feeling It

In this post, I share some tips for getting into a productive mood, when you don’t feel like working but you really need to get things done!


Check out this post by clicking here.


20+ Bloggers Who Offer Blog Advertising Packages

In this post, I’ve put together a list of bloggers who offer blog advertising packages. I hope this will be a useful resource for bloggers to find new sites to advertise their blog.


To find out who offers advertising packages, like Unwanted Life, click here.


18 Things To Do With Books After You’ve Read Them

In this post, I share 18 things to do with books after you’ve read them, so that they can go to a new home and you can declutter your bookshelf.


To find out what you can do with books after you’ve read them, click here.




I hope you enjoyed learning about the September 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors. And, as always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. If you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below, too. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner. Don’t forget to check out Unwanted Life’s wonderful sponsors by visiting their website and checking out their content.


Lastly, if you’d like to sponsor Unwanted Life, then you can find more information and a contact form by clicking here. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





12 thoughts on “Introducing September 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

  1. I’m new to the blogging community. Thanks so much for sharing – I’m always looking to connect with others who have paved the way!

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