A photo of fireworks with the title of the article across the middle of the image - Introducing November 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

Introducing November 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

Welcome to November 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors article. The weather hasn’t been as cold as you would expect it to be for this time of year. I was sweating throughout October, even on my birthday on the 25th October. The warm weather didn’t use to last until my birthday growing up. For the Brits reading this article, I hope you had a fun, but safe, Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night.


June 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors


Andrea Hunt – Living Deliberately

Andrea Hunt - Living Deliberately image they created for the June 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors article


If you’re like many people, 2022 might not exactly feel like it’s got off the ground for you yet. The last few years have been really hard on everyone and many people feel stuck in a constant cycle of stress, uncertainty, stagnancy and lack of fulfilment.


10 Things I’ve Learned After 10 Years of Living in Germany as a Munich Expat

IT’S MY GERMANNYVERSARY! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since I moved from Beijing to Munich for my master’s program and made Germany my home. There are so many things I’ve learned over the years as a Munich expat I thought I would share some in an article – can you relate to any of these?


Click here to find out more about living in Munich.


Imposter Syndrome: How to Stop Doing It and Start Owning Your Achievements

Have you ever felt unqualified to do your job? Are you so afraid of messing up at work or school that you sometimes feel paralyzed by it? Do you secretly fear that eventually, everyone is going to find out that you are a total fraud and you have no idea what you’re doing? Read on to learn if you might have imposter syndrome and what to do about it.


To find out about how to stop your imposter syndrome, click here.


How to Re-Create a Life Vision After Everything That’s Happened Since the Pandemic

Do you feel you’ve been able to fulfil your dreams despite the pandemic or has it brought on some difficult questions in terms of what you feel you should be doing and what’s truly important in your life? Have you promised yourself that NOW is the time you’re going to make some serious changes, but on the other hand, you just aren’t sure what those changes need to be? Read on to learn how to re-create your life vision after everything that’s happened since the pandemic.


To find out how to re-create a life vision, click here.




I hope you enjoyed learning about the November 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors. And, as always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. If you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below, too. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner. Don’t forget to check out Unwanted Life’s wonderful sponsor by visiting their website and checking out their content.


Lastly, if you’d like to sponsor Unwanted Life, then you can find more information and a contact form by clicking here. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





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