A blue background with cartoon style bunny heads featured on it to represent the topic of the article Introducing April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

Introducing April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

Welcome to April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors article. This month is characterised by the fact that it’s Easter and the Spring Festival, so break out the chocolate and the fertility symbols and have fun. Let me introduce you to the people who have sponsored Unwanted Life for April 2022. Please check them out by visiting their website.


April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors


Andrea Hunt – Living Deliberately

Andrea Hunt - Living Deliberately image they created for the April 2021s Unwanted Life Sponsors article


If you’re like many people, 2022 might not exactly feel like it’s got off the ground for you yet. The last few years have been really hard on everyone and many people feel stuck in a constant cycle of stress, uncertainty, stagnancy and lack of fulfilment.


This special Spring Clean Your Life & Mindset Package is an exclusive combination of transformational life coaching and EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) that will kick start your personal growth so you can start making changes in your life immediately.


  • Get clear on what’s not working.
  • Uncover where your own mindset is sabotaging you to start replacing those beliefs with more helpful, motivating ones.
  • Start letting go of past issues and experiences that still affect how you see yourself today.
  • Uncover your strengths to quiet that mean little voice that criticises you, compares you to others, or tells you you’re not good enough.  
  • Envision the life you want along with a transformational life coaching future pacing exercise to make it all real in your head.


Why You Need to Spring Clean Your Life & Mindset in 2022

“Spring-cleaning” is a pretty popular concept that’s been around forever. In fact, I’m guessing that you probably already do a thorough cleaning of your home to get rid of what you don’t need and make room for the new – but have you ever thought about applying the same idea to your life?


Click here to learn 10 ways to kick-start on changing your life and mindset this spring.


How the 5 Love Languages Can Help Your Relationship

Do you sometimes feel like the way you show love to your partner isn’t always felt appreciated as much as you’d hoped? Are there things you wish your partner would do more of to make you feel loved and valued? Do you sometimes feel resentful because you don’t feel your partner shows love how you would want?


Click here to learn about the five love languages that’ll help you show your partner you love them in a way they’ll appreciate.


The Dangers of Comparison and What to do About it

We’ve all done it. Looked around and seen other people’s lives and wondering if we’re coming up short. And what happens? That feeling suddenly creeps in and we say to ourselves, “Maybe I’m not good enough”. In fact, comparison is one of the most practiced and at the same time unfortunately destructive activities when it comes to our happiness and fulfilment.


Click here to find out more about the dangers of comparisons.




Eri – Weird Lifestyle

Weird Lifestyle logo for the April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors article


I am Eri and I blog at weirdlifestyle.com. I blog about everything I would also like to read, such as inspirational and motivational articles, creative writing, and writing tips. From time to time, I also post some of my short stories and poems. Short stories of mine have been published in collections and online magazines in Greece. I hold a master’s degree in creative writing, and I am currently writing my first novel. This blog was named Weird Lifestyle because it was created during the second Covid-19 lockdown and everything was weird back then.


8 Useful Tips to Gain the Power of Building Consistency

Why is it so difficult for people to gain the power of building consistency? Is it really that hard? This article provides 8 tips to gain it.


Click here to check out that article.


6 Most Important Steps to Self Editing Your Blog Posts

Is editing a blog post really important? What are those steps that are absolutely important when self-editing a blog post? Read to find out.


Click here to find out more about these steps.


12 Useful Tips to Empower Your Writing Skills

Every writer needs to improve his skills day by day. Find out which are the 12 most useful tips to empower your writing skills here.


Click here to read about the writer tips.


I hope you enjoyed learning about the April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors. And, as always, leave your feedback in the comments section below. If you want to stay up-to-date with my blog, then sign up for my newsletter below. Alternatively, get push notifications for new articles by clicking the red bell icon in the bottom right corner. Don’t forget to check out Unwanted Life’s wonderful sponsors by visiting their websites and checking out their content.


Lastly, if you’d like to sponsor Unwanted Life, then you can find more information and a contact form by clicking here. Until next time, Unwanted Life readers.





20 thoughts on “Introducing April 2022s Unwanted Life Sponsors

  1. You’ve shared some great blogs on todays post! I always appreciate these kind of posts as I love finding new people to follow and new blogs to read. Thank you so much for sharing with us Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  2. I really love how you approach your advertisers. It feels like you actually care about people who take time out of their day to support you. I have definitely checked out Eri before but don’t remember Andrea so I will definitely have to check that one out.

    Great post and cannot wait to get to know your sponsors for April!

  3. What a great tribute to some of your foundations. I especially like the Weird Lifestyle blog you referred to a few times. I’ve saved those links to peruse later. And I LOVE the idea of Spring Cleaning (working on this inwardly right now…scary but necessary). Be well ✌️

  4. I have never thought about spring cleaning my mindset before! I always declutter and spring clean the physical aspects of my life, but I can see how a mental cleanse is as important as the latter so thank you for sharing some resources to help me get started. <3

  5. I already follow the bloggers you have shared and they have some great content. Thank you for sharing your post.


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